Bitte unterzeichnet die Petition an die Brasilianische Regierung - es gibt noch eine Chance, das desaströse Staudammprojekt zu stoppen! Falls Ihr bereits unterzeichnet habt, verteilt diese Info bitte weitläufig.
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On behalf of the Juruna indigenous people of the Xingu River Basin, I am writing to ask for your support to help stop the Belo Monte Dam. We, the Juruna, are against the Belo Monte Dam and are committed to fight with our bodies and souls to defend our lives and the life of our river.
• Please watch my video and then take action to defend the Amazon and support indigenous peoples' rights.
At any moment, the Brazilian government could break ground on dam construction, causing irreparable impacts to our communities and the river. We are at a critical time in the campaign to stop the Belo Monte Dam.
• Please join us by signing the petition to the Brazilian government today.
If you have already taken action, thank you, and please share the petition with at least five more friends or family members.
For the Amazon and our future generations,
Sheyla Juruna